Dating You


Dating you can be exhausting - both mentally and physically. I get exhausted in general but this exhausts me more because my emotions fall everywhere. You exhaust me with your conditional love and genuineness. The way you hold my hand or the way you laugh when we screw up something. I love that you don't expect me to be perfect in anything. It means the world and you accept me for me. I just want you to know my dear, I accept you for the person you are no matter what... even when you've blue denim jeans on. They look cringe but if I had to choose you or someone else any day, you would be my forever number one. 

You're like a sunshine that shines through the windows in the morning - bright and positive yet eye-catching. You caught my eye like no other. You're ambitious and loving. I love the way you smile , it melts my heart. It is so beautiful when you ramble on about something that happened at work or something you're passionate about. It shows you truly care. You are always there for others and that's such an amazing quality you have. I hope one day if we have kids, they would have these amazing qualities you've in them. My sweetheart, you melt my heart like no other. 


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